
Showing posts from December, 2017

Raising a feminist son

I’ve stumbled across many parents who say they don’t know how to raise a boy who is a feminist but then almost everyone seems to know what they want in son-in-laws. So I’m raising a son my future daughter-in-law will thank me for, I’m raising a son who everyone will want as their son-in-law. My son knows what periods are, he knows the pain & the PMS. He knows how to gently rub tummies that hurt during menstrual cramps and he knows to apply heat packs to the backs that ache; he is extremely good at back, shoulder and head massage for the tired souls; he knows how to support and hold up a sick person, never backing off from the pungent vomit odour; he knows to pack lunches and to grill & bake few things; he has his own few signature dishes that we love! He knows what “CONSENT” means and that NO means “NO”!! Every Friday after school, my son does all the laundry and hangs out all the clothes, he folds them too. It’s my son’s job to vacuum the home. He knows how to clean