
Showing posts from July, 2014

Wild Free Soul Full of Love

Why do we doubt and feel guilty of having equal and transcended love? Often when I'm personal coaching or listening to my mates sharing their ups and downs, I've often heard them mumble bleakly about their love. Most of us have experienced this emotion yet I can hardly count people on my fingers who say they r 100% comfortable in saying their partners love them as much as they do. Usually it's the "does she/he love me as much as I do?" Or "I love u more!" Or "do I deserve this much love?"  Tainted with insecurities. I confess,I had never felt comfortable before either. Our understanding of love is selfless giving, loving unconditionally no matter what the outcome....I'veknown, heard & seen people give so much in love yet they feel empty/unreciprocated/unappreciated. Why do we say love is unfathomable? There's this disparity in our perception of true romance/love and in actual feeling of it. I've hardly heard anyone say &q
She stood there, feeling empty and robbed off the minuscule share of love towards few of those people she can now barely call her cannot be begged, stolen, snatched, forced or hen she started the trip , She did not know what to expect from this trip. She knew it wasn't going to be the same. But after completing the trip she had a whole new perspective AND she felt empty. Trip back home after a decade had been weird. Not becoz of the time it had elapsed between visits but becoz of the strangulation of beautiful relationships with people she had had known for so far. The fact that someone who used to respect her so much had suddenly made it apparent that she was someone to be ashamed of to be associated with. Someone who loved her son as their own did not want to openly admit the truth just coz she happened to be his mum. It was the most hurtful experience. She was perplexed and curios. She wanted to discuss about her separation openly. But she realized no one wanted
World ablaze In a haze Screeching hault To overlook your fault Tears bleed and lips are parched Seeking answers that are hard Shut down, shut the world out Cave in when despondency sprout Why respond when eyes seek Emptiness within, like you are meek? Last out, be yourself But who says consequences aren't real?

Mediocrity of Domestic Abuse

How many of us were brought up with this concept instilled in our head that women are multitasking? I was! And I certainly believe in this truth. The challenge is, however, in the transition. You might be wondering how this has got to do with Domestic abuse. By the end of this blog, you will be surprised to figure out how they are intricately related. Let me start by explaining what DA is.  DA is a pattern of behaviour which involves the abuse by one person against another in an  intimate relationship such as  marriage ,  cohabitation , dating or within the family. Forms of domestic violence include  physical ,  emotional ,  verbal ,  economic , social, financial and  sexual abuse , which can range from subtle, coercive forms of abuse to violent physical abuse that results in disfigurement, lifetime trauma, mental illness or death. In trying to understand and correlate DA with multitasking women, let me define DA in a way not many know it to be, especially in our Nepalese pre-co