She stood there, feeling empty and robbed off the minuscule share of love towards few of those people she can now barely call her cannot be begged, stolen, snatched, forced or hen she started the trip , She did not know what to expect from this trip. She knew it wasn't going to be the same. But after completing the trip she had a whole new perspective AND she felt empty.

Trip back home after a decade had been weird. Not becoz of the time it had elapsed between visits but becoz of the strangulation of beautiful relationships with people she had had known for so far. The fact that someone who used to respect her so much had suddenly made it apparent that she was someone to be ashamed of to be associated with. Someone who loved her son as their own did not want to openly admit the truth just coz she happened to be his mum. It was the most hurtful experience.

She was perplexed and curios. She wanted to discuss about her separation openly. But she realized no one wanted to discuss her personal journey, no one wanted to ask, no one wanted to hear.....everyone wanted to avoid the topic altogether and just pretend they didn't know about it. It made her feel as though they were refusing to acknowledge the fact that she had spent a huge chunk of her life being abused and that hurt. They pretended things were normal and yet they made it apparent she was to be blamed. She was dumbfounded. How can people deny and withdraw from something they refuse to even acknowledge ? Why was domestic violence, abuse, separation and it's repercussion still taboo??

Why should she be denied any family ties just coz she dared to rise above the setbacks ?


  1. She will stand there again and feel loved. And she will forget all those bitter memories as love will supplant everything in her life :)


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