Stop judging FB status-es!

I've heard people comment "Why do they write such things on FB?" Or "Everyone has their own battle, why are they letting the world see theirs through FB? Are they attention seekers?"

To my utter misbelief, even I've been guilty of not posting as much on FB as I'd like to just because I had fears of being stereotyped and of being detested of the same. NO MORE I say!

Why??? Why can't we be ourselves in real and on FB? Why do society always impose and stereotype us all the time? Don't we make up this society? So if we are rallying against bullying and for freedom of expression, why then, do we still loathe or judge others to express freely? To me that's a silent bully! Any form of bullying is abhorrent.

Do we know how much people are suffering and stressing coz they feel robbed off their right to express? What's wrong with expression? Shouldn't we be facilitating free expression if we want to create a better world? Would you rather have a suppressed and sick minded society or a free & safe world? When feelings are annihilated, it germinates sickening ideas....that's how it forms a chunk of mindset that regresses society to incest, rape and most hideous practices. If free and unreserved expression of love, sexuality and friendships were openly allowed to be practiced, these appalling things wouldn't be taking place in this century. If people weren't judged and criticised for posting sadness and anger on FB, perhaps it wouldn't lead to so much rise in a whole new generation of depression, anxiety, domestic violence and suicidality. Perhaps if people weren't mocked for expressing love openly and on FB,  our world would see more happy and content people around creating healthier, happier society.

Not everyone has exactly a fairytale lifestyle....not everyone can verbally express freely...if they choose to express freely about whatever they want to express, who are we to categorise them? Some find voices behind the screen, some find solace in venting coz FB is their only platform where they can pour their hearts out. Perhaps the person unleashing has a sick child to look after and venting in real world isn't a gallant way so he takes it out on FB. Or would u rather let it build up only to have encouraged violence and aggression in real world? What would u do if that was you?

Just like the ones expressing freely don't discriminate and label the ones who don't as "grim" "detestable" "cowardly souls", let's not judge them who express!


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