We need to admit to mistakes and apologise as parents

When I watched the movie “Ladybird”, I was expecting to relate myself to the rebellious teenager of the movie. Strangely though, I was left feeling exasperated when I related more to the mother of the protagonist. After watching this movie, I realised that parents rarely admit their mistakes. It’s very very rare that they even have an insight into how their upbringing, their actions, their gestures, their haughtiness, their words might have a negative impact on their children. Of course no parents deliberately try to hurt their kids but lack of admittance, lack of open communication and lack of insight into the effect they have on their kids can very much instigate silent rebellion in their children. Sometimes their relationship becomes irrevocably sour, often times, it remains indifferent or neutral. I felt utterly sorry for the teenager for feeling the way most teenagers do. Desperate to get her mothers approval, made to feel ungrateful, struggling to fit in, figh...