
Showing posts from 2016

Helping hand or oppression??

When I was a kid, I used to be grumpy at my mum for not having a housemaid to help us out with chores. I saw most neighbours and friends enjoying the luxury and was often disgruntled that she was unwary of the benefits of an extra pair of hands around the house to ease her hectic schedule.  Little did I know back then how prudent and wise her decision was to never have a house maid. Mum occasionally paid money to someone who was willing to bring jerkins of water to our three storey home. She was more happy to teach poor kids for free in her spare time instead of having someone clean the house or cook food for her when she came home knackered from work. She did all housework by herself. She hired gardner occasionally to tend the small patch of garden we had. Once or twice I noticed short term maids at our place but they were all adults with families and mum gave them shelter and work to help them out with financial crunch more than for her household needs. We never saw mum hire a c

Life abroad as ugly as it is!!

I'm not sure how many people living abroad have truly and openly shared this with their families and friends, not sure how many have actually gone through this and can resonate with this, I certainly have and wanted to share the "not-so-openly-shared" hardships people often face living life abroad.  Most people assume like abroad is full of opportunities and money. Yes it is, dollar talks darlings but so does it bite!!! I don't think most people realise with those opportunities come lots of sacrifices and hardships of survival; cost of living overseas. People have to do odd jobs (some have no idea what kind of odd jobs; one of my old school colleague who had been a well earning gynaecologist back in Nepal had to become a cleaner and an Assistant in Nursing/Care worker before finally doing Nursing degree here in Australia to save her own grace and ego : It was agonising seeing her feeling mortified to have her pride and ego come in the way of survival here; she kep

Youth doesn't last forever....

Youth Doesn't Last Forever : 30 isn't Old !!  You say your family members died too young when they die in their 50's-60's; if 60 is young to die then why the fuck is half of that age considered to be middle-age? When technology has prolonged our mortality span these days, I think anything less than 50 should be considered outrageous to be classified as "middle-age".  So many of my primary/high school seniors and my batch mates are still single and in their prime, I would be mortified to hear anyone classify them anything close to middle-age. If they are still young then why the fuck are people in their late 20's or early/mid 30's called old? Hah! Yes we maybe older than YOU but not an "old person", there's a DIFFERENCE!  It's a shame that today's educated youth are still backwards in their mentality and too quick to judge and label others. So let me ask you a question, "If we die in our 40's or early 50

On "Looks"

For men who look like Steve Buscemi or Rajpal Yadav (but overate themselves) and desire their partners (or future partners) to look like Angelina Jolie or Aishwarya Rai (looks as well as "figure" wise) : BITCH please!!!! If good looking and curvy women are putting up with average looking blokes like you, why the fuck do you expect your woman to outdo you in looks and bodies? I bet you don't want to invite unwanted attention and jealousy gyrating towards your relationship do you?? Then why such pressure and unrealistic expectations? Look yourself in the mirror first before you ask your partners to transform into those beauties. Some women have no control over their hormones, genes, reproductive changes or  other changes (if some changes have made them voluptuous that is)  And for women who distress themselves to be stick thin to please men (except for fitness fanatics, health nuts and genetically thin women), please try to focus on more important things like self-worth

Let kids be AVERAGE !!

Why can't we let our kids be just AVERAGE??? I see too many parents pushing their kids to strive for first place, boasting about how intelligent and studious their kids are, how they topped the class/subject, scored the highest, got into top selective schools etc. Why can't parents accept average as a sign of normalcy? Average isn't the same as "failing" !!  Parents need to learn that if we keep pushing our kids to be above average, towards near perfection all the time, then we are, in fact, pushing them to the cut-throat competitive rat-race and at times to a miserable failure (if kids can't cope with the pressure). Also in real world, geniuses don't make up the majority of the population! Why then are we set to fail our kids forcing them to accept only high grades and standards only to learn that average scoring kids can also make something of themselves?  My son is an average student. He's never interested in studies, he refused to sit on &qu

Modernism and its claws...

It's tough being a modern woman, whether working or stay-at-home.  Sometimes I'm just so tired of being independent, fierce & a career woman. These days women have high-income bracket, they not just go and earn bread & feed their family but also be on top of household finances/budget. These days there's high expectation for women to be good at official work AND also to be good at cars & engines, mortgage refinancing, best phone plan deals, interest rates and reserve bank rates, credit card repayment efficiency (high credit ratings), real estate fanatic, food connoisseur, wine connoisseur, spirits/shots expert, grocery shopping expert, laundry goddess, travel deal expert and proficient vagabond, etc.  For someone whose good at all those things mentioned above and fall in that category of fiercely independent & successful career woman, sometimes I feel like there's an expectation that I will initiate and handle everything single-handedly! And oh fo

What goes around comes around

"You reap what you sow" : "what goes around comes around" : "karma comes back to bite you" ....please remember you cannot sow animosity and expect philanthropy, you cannot lead a financially irresponsible & spendthrift life and expect your kids to pick up your shits, to pay off your reckless debts, to fulfil needs that you could have easily achieved, but you impulsively threw away in your whim.  It's pathetic how some would be so selfish and go the length to trade and exploit their children in exchange for lifelong financial security and/or lavish lifestyle. When parents forget and disregard children's new family, their future, their dreams and difficulties they are facing, is it a wonder why those children might feel hurt and start distancing themselves???  I think everything is a two way street. If kids refuse to respect, there's no way parents should forgive and tolerate such self centred behaviour, similarly, if parents are exc