On "Looks"

For men who look like Steve Buscemi or Rajpal Yadav (but overate themselves) and desire their partners (or future partners) to look like Angelina Jolie or Aishwarya Rai (looks as well as "figure" wise) : BITCH please!!!! If good looking and curvy women are putting up with average looking blokes like you, why the fuck do you expect your woman to outdo you in looks and bodies? I bet you don't want to invite unwanted attention and jealousy gyrating towards your relationship do you?? Then why such pressure and unrealistic expectations? Look yourself in the mirror first before you ask your partners to transform into those beauties. Some women have no control over their hormones, genes, reproductive changes or  other changes (if some changes have made them voluptuous that is) 

And for women who distress themselves to be stick thin to please men (except for fitness fanatics, health nuts and genetically thin women), please try to focus on more important things like self-worth, independence, integrity, relationships, etc and tell your demanding partners to look themselves in the mirrors! 

For unaffected & comfortable women like me whose partners couldn't care less about their body weight : Good on you! Keep that confidence high being in your own skin and body. Nobody has a right to demean you! 

#BeyondBodies  #FuckOffSuperficialHumans


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