What goes around comes around

"You reap what you sow" : "what goes around comes around" : "karma comes back to bite you" ....please remember you cannot sow animosity and expect philanthropy, you cannot lead a financially irresponsible & spendthrift life and expect your kids to pick up your shits, to pay off your reckless debts, to fulfil needs that you could have easily achieved, but you impulsively threw away in your whim. 

It's pathetic how some would be so selfish and go the length to trade and exploit their children in exchange for lifelong financial security and/or lavish lifestyle. When parents forget and disregard children's new family, their future, their dreams and difficulties they are facing, is it a wonder why those children might feel hurt and start distancing themselves??? 

I think everything is a two way street. If kids refuse to respect, there's no way parents should forgive and tolerate such self centred behaviour, similarly, if parents are excessively selfish, disrespectful, unreasonable, demanding and unsupportive of children's hardships and show no insight, there's no way children should have to put up with such exhaustive bond. World goes round in circles, it's not a straight thread that only goes one direction.


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